Have You Ever Googled The Death Clock?
I did... I typed in my info and this is what it told me, this is how much time it predicted I had left on this planet.
I follow NAS Daily and he wears it on his shirt, how much of his life he has left. This reminder to live life to the fullest every single day, to not waste any moments. I know to some it looks like I am doing a lot of "crazy" stuff, but I want to do it all. I don't ever want to look back and regret not doing something. This is why when the kids say they want to go to Hogwarts, I start putting the plan in action. Why I take them out to hike epic trails, and why I put so much time into the work that I do. I love the work that I do, and the work that I do allows me the ability to do more with family.
So... if you feel so inclined, go find out your date, and then get out there and do some awesome shit. Live it up.