We sat around the table on December 18th discussing the upcoming sale, I guess with it being so close to the holidays we were thinking we were a couple of weeks out.... but an idea came to me and I said "Can you be ready for photos and videos in 4 days?" I vividly remember the pause, them thinking, and then the slow nod and answer yes.
I said, let's be bold, be different, and hit the market in the middle of the lull when nothing else is hitting the market, I want to hit on boxing day. I am so thankful that they decided to go along with my wild idea.... because it worked PERFECTLY!
We hit the market with next to zero competition. Nothing new had hit the market and all those buyers were just sitting at home on their time off scrolling their phones... and there was our listing.
I had prepped them for high days on market, we strategized our price meticulously, and then because of our timing we sold the condo in only 2 days.
All of us couldn't be happier with how it all played out, and I am so beyond thankful you let me be risky and bold when it came to the strategy of when we hit the market.