Congratulations Laurie, Kim & Mason

Four years ago I sold Laurie's house, and was excited when I received her call letting me know she was needing to purchase a home Laurie reached out to me only a few weeks ago to let me know that her and her sister Kim were needing to buy a home. 

I met with them and we went over the buying process on evening. They were a bit nervous as there was a tight timeline to get moved into a new home, but I knew that it wouldn't take long to find an awesome home for them.

We didn't have to look at many homes at all until they found this beautiful character home. The sparkle in Kim's eyes as we walked through it said it all. They had fallen in love. This gorgeous home was over 100 years old and had beautiful windows and original trim. It had all the space they needed and it was in the neighbourhood they wanted to be in. 

We had a wonderful inspection where we all learned a lot of information. My favourite part about inspections is no two are the same, and I always learn something new. By the end of the inspection Laurie and Kim were both beaming as there was nothing alarming that we found out and they were incredibly excited to sign off making the house officially theirs.

Congratulations!! I can't wait to see all the love you are going to put into this beautiful home!!