The End Of A Three Year Journey!
This photo here marks the end of a 3 year journey!!!
Often buyers ask me "How long does it take to buy a home" and I tell them.... "that is completely up to you."
For this couple, the journey was about 3 years, and there were lots of twists and turns along the way. Markets changed, budgets changed, jobs changed, heck... there was this thing called Covid... all of it kept throwing obstacles our way. We looked at plenty of homes that just needed to be corrected. We threw out the idea of home and shifted to cabins, and then back to homes.
Selling their current home was the last piece of the puzzle after we accepted an offer on an amazing home. We had to be speedy and on point, for it all to come together, and my goodness it came together beyond perfect. While some think that the market is down we had over 50 showings on their home, and a whopping TWENTY ONE offers on their home!!!! WOW!!
Congratulations to your family on ending the journey and moving into your new amazing future home.