Do You Need Title Insurance?
You bought the house, you jump for joy, then your lawyer sends you a welcome package and in there is questions about title insurance, and which package do you want?
This is the time when I get the text "do we have to get title insurance?? is it worth it?" So... sometimes (most of the time) you don't have a choice, the lender makes it mandatory in your mortgage conditions that you must get title insurance.
And if you do have the option, it is still a great idea to get it. This is what helps to keep you protected from things you didn't know about. I have seen people who had discovered frozen pipes in the wall that the seller didn't disclose and have it covered.
Where a flip didn't do things to code title insurance may pay to have it fixed. Like any other insurance it can feel like a waste/extra up front, but when you need it you will be so very thankful that you have it.