Incredibly Happy For You!
This one makes my heart so darn happy because an amazing person who has come so far got an amazing home.
We had seen our fair share of pretty crappy homes. Slanted, smelly, dirty, with loads of issues, and then we walked into this one. It was a breath of fresh air, cute as a button, all the character maintained, and loads of quality upgrades. This home had an energy efficiency report and even though it is over 100 years old it did better than my own 2004 built home... and it did better by a lot!
We both loved it, but also knew that there was potential for some intense competition that would knock us out of the running.... but something in my gut told me we would be able to go for this one.
The budget was tight, but there was this perfect storm happening that allowed us to snag this home. I smile so much for you when I think of you in this home... it is just such a great home and I am so incredibly happy for you.