Have You Checked Out The Leaf Yet?

Have you checked out the Leaf yet in Winnipeg?? After waiting and watching the construction of it happen for so long it is so delightful to hear so many amazing things about it!

With multiple biomes, a butterfly garden and an incredible indoor waterfall, the leaf must be checked out! While you're waiting to see it for yourself, teammate Sheri is here to share it with you!

I’ll Make This Big And Epic!

Honestly, this looked so much more graceful than it felt. Running through the home the other two did fun jumps down the stairs, and I followed, thinking "oh I'll make this big and epic" and forgot I was wearing silk elf shoes... I bailed and did a big tumble. We kept it in the video.... it was perfect, and fun, and I didn't end up hurt!

These Smiling Faces!!!

These two went on quite the journey in a very short time.

We fell in love with the first house they saw, the same one I broke a key in the door AND stepped in a pit in the basement! It had been on the market for quite some time, we looked at a few more, went back a 2nd time, decided to offer and of course... murphy's law... there was another offer.

Competing... and then losing on a home that has been on the market for weeks sucks! But, with smiles, they continued to search. Just as we were about to put in an offer on another house we found out that the first offer fell through!! We quickly wrote up an offer and got it in there and got it accepted!

We had a wonderful home inspection, confirming this was an amazing solid home, and on the day we took this pic we even met the owners which confirmed even more so how well taken care of this home was!

The two of you are an absolute delight and you deserve every bit of happiness coming your way! I can't wait for this spring when you get to move in and make this home your own.

Pets And Selling Your Home

I love our pup Freddie.... most days... but not everyone does. Some can see a dog and instantly think of the damage it might do to a home. Some might look at a dog and see allergies. Some might see a less than perfect yard. Some might see happiness, and some might groan.

If we were to put our house on the market today, we would make all evidence of this guy disappear. We would hide kennels, food bags, food dishes, and any pictures of him in the house. We would make our home pet neutral so we didn't alienate a potential buyer who had less pleasant thoughts about a dog.

It sucks, and it is hard to do when you have pets, but it is incredibly necessary to help maximize your efforts when selling your home.

Get Ready. Things Are Picking Up!

See that smile.... that is because things are picking back up.... A few more listings are starting to creep onto the market, and buyers are ready to go. It seems buyers are over the shock of the rates, they are ready to move on and still make their goals happen. It would appear that the "spring market" is making an appearance, and if your thinking of putting your home on the market, the beginning of this market is when you want to be hitting.

I Love 100-Year-Old Houses!

I can't even begin to tell you how much I love and appreciate 100-year-old original woodwork in a home. The craftsmanship, quality and detail of this wood are always incredible. A lot of people don't realize how high of quality it is (compared to most of our particle board/hollow doors today) It would cost a small fortune to build a home of comparable quality today, and you would be hard-pressed to find the right person to do the job.

February Is I Love To Read Month

February is "I love to read" month!!

The kiddos and I got into Harry Potter a few years ago, and now... we are obsessed. This has got to be one of the kid's favourite parts of the book, and quite often they run around casting spells on each other "Eat Slugs!" 🤮

Do you or your family have a favourite book? Is there a story that connects you with other people?

Should You Buy Or Rent?

Should you buy or rent?? It can seem easier and safer to rent, especially as there seems to be a lot of fear in the current market.... but if you rent you are just putting more money into the pockets of a landlord and you aren't building your own equity. Sheri outlines here some other reasons why you might want to consider taking the plunge and becoming a homeowner.

Reasons To Love River Park South

Reasons I love River Park South..... the paths!! Our family loves going for walks and park hopping along the way. We have a beautiful 6km loop that we do hitting up 4 different parks for the kids! What is even better is these same paths are now cleared in the winter so you can enjoy beautiful walks along the ponds and not have to worry so much about mucky streets.

Check Up On Your Mental Health

Today is "Bell Let’s Talk Day"

I think we can all agree that our Mental Heath has taken a beating over the past 2 years. For the first time ever I went through a very tough 2-month period, I ate like crap, hardly exercised, was moody, didn't smile, didn't want to do things, and was short with people. I "snapped out of it" after a while when I really decided to focus and work on things to get myself back to where I was used to being. When I came out of it I was amazed at how clearly I was able to focus, like a fog had lifted. Once I had the clarity I said to myself "holy crap, I think that was depression!"

So, if you feel foggy, out of sorts and are struggling with anything in life, please reach out! Let's go out for an energizing walk, grab a coffee and inspire you. Get you out of a "funk" or talk through whatever you are going through. Know that I am here for you!

Another Prohibition???

When you think of Prohibition you are probably like me and are thinking of alcohol, that time when no one was allowed to buy it... well, this time it's housing.

In January it was announced that non-Canadians will not be allowed to purchase real estate in Canada. There are lots of stipulations and rules around this... like... you can't buy in certain census areas - so you can venture outside of most major cities to purchase but not within the city. You have to of paid taxes for the last 3 of 4 years.

The new rule has taken some of our new buyers right out of the market. It is important to talk with the right lawyers and ask the right questions to know whether you can buy as the rules are lengthy and a little confusing.