B4-1106 Dawson SOLD
/This was an incredibly long journey to get us to this point today. When I first met with Amber she had previously listed the condo with another realtor. We first went over everything about me, my marketing, and my company and decided that we were ready to work together.
The first thing that we discovered in the listing updates that I provide is that the biggest obstacle was that no one was looking for a condo in Lorette. These stats were new to Amber, and so from this point we were able to begin troubleshooting and thinking up creative ways to bring traffic through the doors.
We did advertisements in a condo magazine, aggressive Facebook marketing, and group open houses. We stuck with it for 179 days until an offer got brought to us.
Not every listing is easy, but when everyone works together and stays positive the results are able to shine through. Thank you Amber for being such an amazing client. You are an incredible easy going person and you made my job so much easier just by being you. Congratulations on the new journey you get to take in life!