Congratulations Greg and Alix

Greg and Alix reached out to me not too long ago letting me know that they were wanting to start looking for a home. They wanted a very specific area and wanted to ensure that they kept within budget. Greg is extremely handy and highly motivated and wanted to put some sweat equity into a home. We looked at a couple that were quite interesting to say the least. One had a basement that could cost nothing or tens of thousands of dollars to fix, another could have had a very hefty exterminator bill to clean up what some little tenants had left behind.

When we found the house they purchased we were pleasantly surprised with all it had to offer. It had lots of storage, some upgrades, an awesome garage, and a fabulous price. After seeing what the less desirable houses were selling for we were ready to go all in thinking for sure there would be multiple offers. Offers date came and to our surprise we were the only ones! We managed to snag the house for under list price.

This photo was taken shortly after we found out the house was theirs, with big smiles on everyone's face we were super excited about the fast approaching possession date.

A couple days after this photo, we soon realized that things had taken a bit of a turn. Lawyers got involved and there was a lot of back and forth over the next couple of weeks. Some information hadn't been disclosed in the listing, and it was causing some hiccups in obtaining possession. Alix did a wonderful job of handling the stress as she was having to play middle man going between everyone and was being loaded with information from all sides.

In the end everyone perservered and we were able to work things out and Greg and Alix got possession of the house just a couple of days ago.

Greg and Alix, you guys were awesome to deal with! I know that this one was incredibly tough and I thoroughly appreciate all your dedication, patience, and positive attitudes as we worked thgrough everything.