Congratulations Josee and Tim!


I am always so honoured when people I know and respect trust me with their real estate journey. Josee and I volunteer with the River Park South Community Association and when I got the message that they would like me to help them, I was so excited.

We started the house hunt with one budget in mind, and very quickly they discovered that it would need to change in order to tick off all their boxes. We saw our fair share of slanted homes and homes that just wouldn’t work for them at all. Through the journey they were incredibly respectful of their son and what he would want in this future home and everyones opinions were taken into consideration. Of all the buyers I have worked with I have never met a family that thought of each others needs as much these guys do. Every discussion was so respectful and amazing to listen to.

On offers date Josee and I were in a meeting for the community association as information started coming in as to how many offers there were. It was so much fun to be having a group chat while sitting across the table from each other, all without the rest of the board members knowing what was going on. We left the board meeting shortly after 8pm, and just after 9:00 we were back at the office signing the accepted offer!

I know how much this move means to you, and I am so incredibly happy for you. You did it for all the right reasons and you are going to be so happy in your new home.